A qualified learning specialist focused on empowering educators and institutions to foster creativity, innovation, and excellence in teaching and learning.
Eric is an educator and a professional learning specialist with a passion for innovative teaching and learning practices.
He specialises in helping educators effectively integrate technology into their classrooms to enhance learning outcomes. With over ten years of experience, Eric brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to his work. He is deeply committed to staying up-to-date with the latest research and developments, and constantly seeks out new and innovative ways to engage students and improve learning outcomes.
Eric is known for his deep understanding of pedagogy and his ability to design learning experiences that are engaging and meaningful. He works closely with school leaders to create a sustainable, whole-school strategic plan, enabling schools to achieve their educational goals and objectives. He is passionate about empowering teachers to become agents of change in their school and communities through effective use of technology.
Strategic Planning
Developing a long-term, sustainable strategic plan to help foster technology integration across teaching and learning/
In-class Professional Learning
Tailored PL for teachers in their own learning environment and in the context of their own curriculum.
Apple Professional Learning Specialists are lifelong educators who are uniquely qualified to help fellow educators understand the capabilities of Apple technology for learning and teaching.
Apple Professional Learning Offerings
Leadership Vision and Planning
Coaching and Mentoring
Innovation Workshops
Integration Workshops
Foundations Workshops
Measuring Impact